Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Hippocrates: Let food be thy medicine

I have debated back and forth about whether or not to do this post.  First and foremost, know that I am not looking for anything.  This is only to shed light on where I am coming from.  Second, I will never apologize for things that I have posted, because like it or not, they are true.  What I will apologize for is how things may have come across.  While I may have put things bluntly or been brutally honest, I realize not everyone can handle that.  And at times, my sarcasm may not have come across as such.  However, I will not sugar-coat the truth.  Please understand it was never my intent to hurt feelings or jeopardize friendships.

That being said, here is my story...

In 2005, my grandfather, with whom I was extremely close, was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer and given 3-6 months to live.  He chose not to do surgery to remove the tumor, but went ahead with chemo treatments.  Amazingly, he survived until 2009, but not without setbacks and bumps along the way.  Since the tumor was growing on his pancreas, it affected his liver and stomach functions as well as inducing diabetes.  His bile duct had been pinched off by the tumor and he had to have a stent put in, which helped with the jaundice.  At the time, we lived about an hour and forty-five minutes away from them, so with two little kids (age 2 and expecting, in 2005), it was never easy to make the trip.  There were times I went by myself.  There were times I stayed overnight with him in the hospital, and plenty of hours spent waiting on him hand and foot.  It was stressful on my grandmother, and it was stressful on me, with my desire to be in two places at once, and it was stressful on our family, because with no one to watch the kids, my husband had to take time off work for me/us to make trips.
The truth is, in times of need, you do whatever you have to do to be there for your family.  Losing my grandfather was not only life-altering, but I see now that it kind of redefined me in a way.  Seeing someone you love go through chemo, drop a ton of weight, get fragile and eventually bed-ridden, changes you.  Watching them vomit (without warning) the foulest black liquid because of a blockage, time and time again.  Hearing him cry out in pain, or holler at someone for just being in the wrong place at the wrong time.  Having to say goodbye to the most influencial man in my life and knowing I would never hear his lectures or reassurance again.  Then after slipping into a coma, spending four days by his bedside...  Feeling his limbs get cold, his nail beds turn blue, and watching him take his last breath and knowing his heart had finally taken all it could.  It was torture.  Literally Hell on Earth.  And I remember every detail very vividly to this day, and probably will for the rest of my life.

I don't want to go through that again.  And I don't think there's anyone that would willingly choose to do so.  And I certainly wouldn't want to put my family through that either, if I could help it.  Well guess what, I (and you, too) can.  There is a way.  The first part of it is, CHANGING THE FOOD YOU PUT ON YOUR PLATE.  This is straight from the CDC website, regarding cancer,

"A person's cancer risk can be reduced in other ways by receiving regular medical care, avoiding tobacco, limiting alcohol use, avoiding excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun and tanning beds, eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, maintaining a healthy weight, and being physically active."

And buried in the website, I found this: 

"A substantial proportion of cancers could be prevented. All cancers caused by cigarette smoking and heavy use of alcohol could be prevented completely. The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2013 about 174,100 cancer deaths will be caused by tobacco use. The World Cancer Research Fund estimates that about one-quarter to one-third of the new cancer cases expected to occur in the US in 2013 will be related to overweight or obesity, physical inactivity, and poor nutrition, and thus could also be prevented."

I have done a significant amount of reading in my journey to health, books, blogs, documentaries, you name it.  I have learned a lot.  In June of this year, I even saw a genetic counselor to assess my risk for breast cancer (before I had learned very much about it) and dicuss being tested for the BRCA1/2 genes.  We all have cancer cells in our body.  Right now.  You do, I do, all of us.  Cancer is not just something that happens or doesn't happen,  it's not the cancer lottery!  Cancer is a symptom that the body is under-nourished and overloaded with toxins.  Period.  And I don't want to hear the GENE excuse. You may have a predisposition for certain diseases , but your lifestyle choices determine which of those get turned on.  A great analogy from the book I just read, It Starts With Food by Dallas & Melissa Hartwig, really put it into perspective: "Genetics loads the gun, but environment pulls the trigger."  Very powerful words.

When I learned all of this, many emotions came flooding through me.  I felt upset, outraged, I felt betrayed and disappointed.  Could my grandfather, who really was more of a father to me, have prevented this and everything we all went through with him?  Could he still be here today if he had??  If only.  If only I had had this knowledge eight years ago.  Then I had to come to my own realizations.  I cannot change the past, but I can shape my future.  I can learn and do better for myself and my kids.  Would I love to help other people, ie: extended family and friends, sure!  But will they be open minded and accepting of the things I have learned? I have found out that no, they are not.  Which is very sad for me, because even though it came from a place of love, it was looked at as an attack or judgement of them.  So I am back to the stance that I never should have left, I can only change myself and do better for my family.  I cannot change others and trying to will only leave me feeling stressed and frustrated.  So I urge you to READ.  Don't take my word for it, read!!  There are so many books and websites out there, all of which will reiterate what I have said.  It is true.  You can prevent (and often cure) diseases, and yes, even cancer, with nutrition.  All you have to do is make better choices.  Instead of the nutrient-void products in the center isles of the grocery store, (you know what I'm talking about, the fake foods with the expiration date in the next century), opt for produce!  And even better than that, grow your own!!  Support a farmer, educate yourself, know why you want to make changes in your life.  And email us or comment below if you have any other questions!!!

And, my apologies to anyone that may have been offended by something I said or posted, by taking it in a manner other than intended, which is and always has been, to help.  If you've never experienced a loved one's ordeal with cancer/treatments, you are lucky, as I wouldn't wish it upon anyone.  And if you could prevent that for yourself or your loved ones to have to live through, would you?  I know I'm sure going to try.  REAL food is powerful medicine!

1 comment:

  1. Don't be paralyzed by things you hear on the news, low fat and cholesterol myths, and wind up doing nothing. Just eat REAL food.
