Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The "Diet and Exercise" Myth

Ask any well-meaning person what it takes to lose weight/fat and the most common answer is:  "Diet and exercise" or some variation of that answer.  If only it were that simple.  Anyone, myself included, who has struggled with even moderate (10-15 lbs) weight loss has experienced the yo-yo affect of this conventional wisdom.  After reading up on why this happens and then fully experiencing both sides of the argument of calories in, calories out; I discovered that the human body cannot be tricked into burning fat by simply reducing your caloric intake and increasing your activity.  It goes far deeper than that and requires much less work and far greater understanding of the physiology that happens inside the body.

Diet (Caloric Deprivation)
First, let me explain to you what happens when you deprive your body of the calories it needs to thrive.  We will keep nutrients out of the conversation for now.  For the sake of argument, let's assume you are currently eating a typical american "My Plate" diet consisting of refined grains, dairy, fruits, vegetables, legumes, and occasional desserts to the tune of about 2000 calories a day.  Right now, your body is just chugging along digesting the food you are giving it, burning the copious amount of energy you are giving it in the form of about 200-300 carbs (or more!), 25 grams of fat and 50-100 grams of protien.  You think you have been eating healthy, but you can't seem to lose that "last" 15 pounds.  So, you decide to "go on a diet" and drop about 500 calories from your caloric intake.  In most cases, those calories are in the form of fat, because that is what you are told to avoid.  Where do you get fat?  Usually, it is in the meat you eat or what you cook your vegetables in.  So, what do you do?  You steam your veggies and swap your beef or pork for chicken or turkey breast and bake/grill it with no added fat.  This is all assuming you are cooking your own food.  If you don't cook your own food, you probably have a lot more weight to lose.  For now, let's focus on the "final fifteen" of people who have tried everything!

This is what your supposed to eat for optimal health, right?

In my experience, this is how the typical day goes when you diet:

7:30 AM
You eat a bowl of whole grain cereal (oats, bran, etc.) that tastes like cardboard with a light coating of "honey" that is sprayed on at the factory and a glass of OJ.  You convince yourself that it tastes good because you are going to "stick to it" this time.  If the powers of pursuasion aren't working on yourself today, you might put some strawberries or blueberries on this cereal and then pour some skim milk over top of it.  This probably amounts to about 300 calories. Great start, right?  You strap up your shoes feeling fulfilled, energetic and proud that you started the day in such a healthy manner!

9:00 AM
You rocked out some serious work this morning because you are feeling good about yourself.  Your life is about to change, giving you more energy, motivation, and positivity!  You promise that you will stay motivated all day and be the best employee this company has ever had.  Wait, what's that feeling?  "I'm kinda hungry", you think.  "But, I only have 1200 calories to consume the rest of the day and I was planning some grilled chicken breasts, couscous and broccoli for dinner."  So, you try to push it to lunchtime.

9:30 AM
Ok, now you are starving and feeling pretty run down.  You pull out the box of Trisquits you brought for a healthy snack and pull out five crackers and place them on a napkin, again proud you didn't eat from the box.  You eat those and go back to work feeling moderately satisfied.  You are still able to convince yourself that you doing the right thing, so you try to distract yourself with some more work.

11:30 AM
You wanted to wait until noon, but if you do, nobody is safe from your ravenous hunger.  You pull out your packed lunch from the fridge.  It consists of a tuna salad sandwich on whole wheat bread made with light mayo, a bag of baked Veggie Crisps, a banana and a Diet Coke.  You lay it out in front of you and think, "This ought to be just what I need to get through the rest of the day!"

You scarf the food down and almost instantly get a rush of energy and feel refreshed.  At this point, you are at about 750 calories and you feel good because you still have 750 calories left for your delicious grilled chicken!

2:00 PM
It's still about three hours from the end of your day and you feel good because you knocked out an important task this afternoon.  You start a new task and you start to feel a little tired again.  Your stomach starts to rumble and you suddenly realize that you are getting hungry.  Time for another handful of Trisquits!

4:30 PM
At this point, everything you see reminds you of food.  Your focus is gone.  You can't concentrate on any work whatsoever.  The stale donuts that have been out since 8:00 AM are taunting you.  You decide to just call it a day and head home.

5:30 PM
Made it!  At this point, you are nervously opening and closing the refrigerator and pantry doors in sequence to find something you could eat.  You are about 1000 calories into your day and basically only have room for dinner, but boy, those granola bars look tasty!  This is your first day, so you fight it off and just wait until dinner.

6:00 PM
Dinner time!  You sit down to a beautiful, juicy boneless/skinless chicken breast straight off the grill with  a side of steamed broccoli, flavored couscous and a tall glass of skim milk.  Finally, a nice big meal to fill you up for the rest of the day.  You've reached paydirt and can give yourself a pat on the back for having willpower!  Now it's time to enjoy your biggest meal of the day.

8:30 PM
The kids are in bed.  You are getting ready to sit down for some primetime TV and you're starting to feel a little "snacky!"  A handful of nuts and a Diet Coke won't kill me, right!  So, you have that nightcap and sit down to count up the calories for the day.  1,547 calories!  Sa-weet!  You can't wait to step on the scale tomorrow morning!

Sound familiar?!  This is the anecdotal description of what happens.  Now, let's get into the biological reasons for this roller coaster and why it just isn't sustainable, thus impossible to maintain a healthy weight while doing it.

"I Just Got Sick of Being Tired/Hungry All The Time"

Most people who have dieted and failed to sustain a healthy weight in the past have said this in some form or another.  The problem with the typical diet advice is that you are told to cut calories instead of refined, sugary, starchy carbs; but your body needs calories to function.  If you deprive your body of the amount of calories it needs to help you through your daily activities, you will find that your body will just run out of gas.  Think of it this way: If you plan to drive from Indianapolis to Chicago and you start with one gallon of gas in the tank, do you think you will make it to Chicago without having to stop for gas?

Quite simply, 1500 calories is not enough for a moderately active person to sustain a high energy level throughout the day.  When those calories are primarily processed carbohydrates, that's just a double whammy!  Did you know that your body can and will use fat as a source of energy if given the chance?  The problem is that the process is highly inefficient.  When you keep pumping your blood full of glucose, your body will burn off the glucose first, then give you a feeling of hunger while it tries to burn fat to sustain itself.  It is highly likely that you will start eating more carbs to fulfill the cravings you are feeling as a result of the drop in blood glucose.  The body wants a quick "fix" of sugar to keep going instead of getting off its lazy behind to use the fat.  We don't let that happen because the body literally goes into withdrawal from the carbs and nobody is going to put up with symptoms of withdrawl if they don't have to.  Eventually, you will cave and wolf down calories that are not on the approved 1500 calorie plan and gorge on some nasty stuff like a donut, granola bar, or cookies.

The Role of Insulin in Fat Loss/Gain

Insulin is released into the body in response to a number of things, most importantly is the entry of carbohydrates in the many forms of sugar.  As you can see from my example day of someone eating "healthy" on the Standard American Diet (SAD), there are plenty of carbs being consumed by the typical person.  Insulin in the system does one important thing that most people don't know.  It causes you to store fat.  Not just fat that you eat, but it actually causes you to store carbs as fat!  Insulin wants so badly to reduce the blood sugar levels (since high blood sugar can kill you), it will do what it has to do to reduce those levels.  First, you will use what you need to sustain energy levels.  The rest gets converted to, you guessed it, FAT...fat in the form of Triglycerides, which is the most difficult to get rid of!

"I Want To Be Happy, So I Don't Diet"

I hear this from most detractors of the lifestyle I lead.  Anyone who has failed on a diet has felt the subequent feeling of depression, shame, low energy, etc. that inevitably comes from such a failure.  After all, it's all your fault for failing, right?!?!  YOU were the one who couldn't stay away from the donuts.  YOU were the one who couldn't finish the workouts or motivate yourself to go back to the gym.  YOU were the one who ate too many calories and didn't exercies enough!  No wonder you don't want to try.  I have a secret for you:  It's not your fault!  You didn't fail your diet.  Your diet failed you!  Get it out of your head that eating healthy is miserable.  To the contrary, it is quite liberating!

Conclusion (My Advice)

I'm not going to go into a whole diatribe of why I love what I have done.  All I can tell you is that you need to give it a try.  Start by cutting out all processed carbs and eating as many whole foods as possible.  Do it for two weeks, at minimum.  I'm not talking about half-assing it.  I want you to give me two whole weeks of a strict whole food diet and tell me how you feel afterward.  Sure, you will suffer through withdrawl as I mentioned in a previous post, but you have to push through and you will come out on the other side feeling better than you have in a very long time!  The good news is that you don't have to count anything.  That's right, I'm not even asking you to count carbs.  Just switch to whole foods: fruits, vegetables, meat, seafood, and small amounts of nuts/seeds.  Don't even weigh yourself!  Just eat until you are full of good wholesome foods.  When you get hungry, eat again.  It's that simple.  When it is all said and done, you will not even miss the sugary, starchy, grainy stuff that has been causing you to store fat all these years!  Give it a chance!  Other than nasty jiggly fat, what do you have to lose?

Monday, September 16, 2013


Packing Healthier Choices

We have two very active boys, currently in grades 5 & 2.  The first two years that our oldest attended school, I packed his lunch, not because I believed the school options to be unhealthy, but because he was stubborn and was fearful of going through the hot lunch line.  So I would pack him the same thing day in and day out; sunbutter (made from sunflower seeds due to his peanut allergy) and jelly sandwiches, chips, a fruit cup, sometimes a dessert, and a capri sun or Kool-Aid Jammer.  I would shop at Aldi and buy the big box of individual servings of chips, cheetos and corn chips, and fruit cups of mandarine orange segments or applesauce.  My kids have always eaten whole wheat bread, so I never thought twice about serving him a lunch like this, at least it came from home, right?  Looking back at this typical lunch now, all I see is sugar between slices of sugar, corn and Omega 6's, fruit swimming in sugar, more sugar, oh and to drink - SUGAR!  Not much better than what the school serves, although don't get me started on that.  Kind of turns my stomach now.

Cucumber 'Sandwiches' with smoked turkey breast, celery & homemade almond butter and grapefruit sections.
This one has raw veggies, black olives, peaches from the organic farmers market and a date ball.

The Paleo lifestyle is all about eating unprocessed, whole foods.  Not the adulterated, chemically enhanced, preservative filled, 'fake' junk that we grew up on, and were raising our children on.  Processed foods that come in boxes, and wrappers and cute little pouches are nothing short of GARBAGE!  The food industry has taken whole foods, sucked out the fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other important nutrients, cooked them in unhealthy, astronomically high Omega 6 oils, added more chemicals that you can count, and put the creation down a conveyor belt to have punched out into nice little shapes for you.  Now I don't know about you, but that doesn't sound very appetizing to me.

Kale Salad, raw veggies, HB egg, banana & mock Larabar Bite.
Raw Veggies with red pepper dip, fresh raspberries that we picked and a piece of smoked (wild caught) fish.

So knowing what I know now, about our food system, I was not willing to allow my children to eat this junk on a regular basis anymore.  It seemed they had some version of the same four staples every day at school, and a lot of times, got the same thing at home!  Chicken nuggets, spaghetti, pizza, and hot dogs.  Not to mention sides of macaroni and cheese, roll and whipped potatoes.  It's no wonder so many children are overweight in this country.  Something has gone seriously wrong with our government, and we need to start caring about this!

Kale salad & HB egg, carrots, watermelon and date ball.
Raw veggies, black olives and an apple.

For the first several days of school, I documented what I sent for lunch, basically for when I get in a rut or not sure what to pack.  I can then go back and reference what they hadn't had in awhile.  It is always vegetable based, some fruit and some nuts.  I like to alternate proteins in the form of meat, hard-boiled eggs, and nuts.  And if I do pack a meat, then most times we eat a meat-less dinner.  We eat VERY little processed anything, but occasionally you'll see some nitrate-free, antibiotic free, lunchmeat.  And I recently received some beef sticks from our grass-fed beef farmer.  Again, this is a once-per-week kind of a thing, not something they eat regularly and I consider it to be the best of the worst.

Kale salads, raw, fresh veggies, nitrate-free beef stick from local, humane farmer, Mock Larabar bites, and organic applesauce.
Grapes, celery & homemade almond butter, and HB egg.

I try to use what's currently in season and what I get from the organic vendor at the farmer's market.  When I'm short on time, it's a banana or organic apple sauce.  You'll never see drinks in these photos because my kids never get juice anymore.  Why?  It's pure sugar.  Don't be fooled by "no sugar added" claims or "100% juice".  It's just sugar, a.k.a. fructose that metabolizes quickly into sugar in the bloodstream.  At least with a whole fruit, the fructose is in combination with fiber, which slows the process and you don't get the drastic spikes in blood sugar.  Same goes with chocolate milk, probably consumed by 90% of kids that eat hot lunch at school.  Fruit juices and flavored milks can have upwards of 20-30 grams of sugar, that's as much as some energy drinks or sodas!  My boys get a 12 hour insulated thermos with filtered water each day.  Water is WAY better for the body!

Something you will also never see in my kids lunches is dairy.  Did you know that you get more calcium per serving in Kale or Almonds than you do with dairy milk?  If you ever wonder if you or your kids' nutritional needs are being met, enter what they eat in a typical day into  or other food app and see.  I think you'll be surprised!  Plus, my youngest son's eczema cleared up within 5 days of cutting out dairy.  Dairy also creates inflammation in the body and exacerbates inflammatory conditions like arthritis, allergies, Crohn's, Psoriasis, Multiple Sclerosis, even Alzheimer's, heart disease and stroke.  Besides dairy, other contributors to inflammation are: 
  • Sugar - in all forms.  Best to limit consumption.
  • Cooking Oils - Sunflower, corn, vegetable, safflower & cottonseed
  • Trans Fats
  • Legumes - beans, peanuts etc.
  • CAFO meat - found in grocery stores, restaurants & processed meats
  • Alcohol
  • Refined Grains - flour, bread, pasta, pastries, etc
  • Artificial Additives - Aspartame, MSG, and packaged foods

That's not to say we don't occasionally enjoy a glass of wine and an ounce of rBST free, organic cheddar.  ;)

I feel so much better about what my kids are eating now!  And they, for the most part, eat everything every day.  When they don't have time to finish something, they eat it once they get home as their snack.  NOT ONCE have I gotten one complaint from either of them.  They know why we eat this way now and they LIKE it -- they choose it!  And when they are surrounded by other kids at lunch eating trays of processed, brown, fake foods all the time, they don't mind sharing their story and kids are just shocked that they like vegetables!  My hope is that more of you educate yourselves and know what real, whole foods actually are.
Look how colorful and nutricious meals can be!  And it really doesn't take that much time in the morning.  When something is truly important to you (and what should be more important than your health, right?), you make the time.  Healthy eating can be fun, beautiful, delicious, and rewarding!!