Tuesday, July 16, 2013

How To Successfully Start the Paleo Lifestyle

Typical Paleo Plate
I have had people tell me that it is hard to start a paleolithic lifestyle.  It is too much change, too fast.  I actually agree with them!  Very few people can throw EVERYTHING in their pantry and refrigerators away in one fell swoop and go buy everything they need to sustain themselves without breaking the bank.  I would never tell anyone to do that.  We didn't do it that way.  So, here are the steps that I think will set you up for a sustainable lifestyle adjustment.

Step 1:  Call It What It Is

Don't you dare say the "D" word!  Don't do it!  The second you say it is a diet, you are probably doomed.  Diets are for weak people who want a quick fix.  We have all been that person.  This is the time where you make the conscious decision to change your life for the better.  In essence, you are admitting  yourself into rehab to rid yourself of the addiction to crap!  Repeat after me: This is NOT a diet!

Step 2:  Build Your Support Group

This may prove to be the most difficult part of the transition.  As long as you are convinced, it's time for you to convince others.  Put on your sales hat, my friend, cause you have some work to do.  It may be a spouse, adult son/daughter, friend, neighbor...whatever; but you need someone to embark on this with you.  Going this far against the grain can be a lonely feeling.  If you have someone else to keep you on track and to talk about it with, you will be much more likely to stick with it.

You also need to tell as many people about it as you can.  No, I don't want you to become a Paleo evangelist.  The more people you tell that you are making this decision, the more accountability you have and the more likely you will be to stick to it.  It could be as simple as telling people that you are sick of being unhealthy and you are stopping it now.  They will be more likely to support you if they know about it.  Lunches out with friends and co-workers won't be so awkward.  Of course, you will hear people say stupid crap like: "One won't kill you" or "Hasn't killed me yet!".  That kind of ignorance has no place in a healthy lifestyle.

Between your partner(s) in the endeavor and your support group of friends/coworkers, you will be well on your way to making a successful transition.

Step 3:  Start Low Carb

I know!  I know!  Paleo is not low carb.  Low carb, however is a precursor to Paleo.  When you start a low carb program, you are to cut out some key ingredients from your nutritional plate: wheat, milk, legumes, fruit.  See where I am going with this?  You are already 90% on your way to Paleo from eliminating those four things.  The other thing the first low carb phase does (as long as you do it right) is help you detox.  Whether you believe it or not, you are addicted to carbs.  Your body craves them.  As long as you are eating wheat and sugar, you will continue to have the 2:30 pm feeling you know and hate.

The process of detoxing is horrible for many.  My withdrawal lasted about four days.  It was awful.  I'm not going to sugar coat it (no pun intended!).  I was irritable, hungry all the time, foggy...did I mention irritable?!?  But, when the fog lifted, I felt free!  The 10 pounds of water weight that came off didn't hurt either.  I felt less bloated.  I felt less fatigued.  I felt motivated to keep going.

Just remember, don't eat a bunch of processed meats and cheese constantly on low-carb.  You must eat leafy greens, good meats, and eggs.  Throw in a bunch of low-glycemic vegetables and you will not need much vitamin supplementation.

Step 4:  Start Preparing For The Next Step

During your two week low carb intro, you should also do two things:  1. Stop strenuously working out, 2. Start reading!

Ease Up A Bit

Putting your body through strenuous exercise during this detox phase is only going to make it more miserable.  You will likely not be able to function in a high stress state like that during this time.  I also suggest you start this over a weekend, where you have more control over what you eat and less temptation (i.e. donuts, pizza, and other garbage you often see at work).  Not to mention, you will be virtually useless mentally and physically, so don't start right before a big presentation/project!

Trust me, you will get stronger and have much more stamina in the long-run!

Morph Into A Sponge

Now is the time to heavily educate yourself.  You will be highly motivated by the rapid weight loss, but that will eventually fade.  What you need to sustain this is to read and read some more.  Use our blog.  Our few blog entries can get you started, then you can start clicking on the other links to keep you going.  I highly suggest starting with Why We Get Fat, And What To Do About It, by Gary Taubes.  That book is what I credit for getting the ball rolling for me.

Look into your library for both hard copy books and e-books.  I was able to do both with my library membership.  Free is always better!

So, soak up the info!  Once you start learning what all of the crap is doing to your body, it will be tough to justify going back to it.  The more you know, the easier it will be to ignore the nay-sayers and keep moving forward.

Step 5:  Transition Slowly (Phase It In)

Now that you have eliminated most of the problem and have become a fat-burning machine, you can start phasing in the rest of the aspects of the Paleo lifestyle.  This is discretionary based on your current funding means and motivation to make it to full Paleo.  I know that being able to afford pastured/grass fed/organic foods is not easy.  We have found that out the hard way.  However, if you count up all of the money you were spending on junk food, real food won't cost that much more if you get creative and savvy.  Go at your own pace, and don't quit.  The longer you stick with it, the less likely you will be to go back.  Keep researching recipes and remember why you are doing it.  It's not a fad.  It's not a temporary thing.  It is real living in it's purest form.

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